All of our blog posts are written, edited, or produced by the Kind iVF Content Team. This is a collaboration between our expert writers, health editors, and the leading researchers and senior doctors at our clinics across the UK.

2024 is rolling and New Year’s Resolutions may well have gone out the window. However, fear not, the winter months can be a time to replenish your soul and refocus on what you’d like to happen come Spring.

Take time to reflect on your situation and making one or two changes, can help to move you from procrastination to realisation of how you’d like your future to unfold. Getting outdoors for just twenty minutes a day for a walk or jog can increase your vitamin D levels and make you feel more energetic– boosting your winter fertility levels. It is also good to stock up on nutritious winter fruit and vegetables such as butternut squash, beetroot, kale, brussels, pomegranate and apples, which are all rich in micronutrients that support fertility health. Topping this up with a good quality prenatal vitamin for men and women will ensure that you are taking positive steps to support your winter fertility health.

Trying to Conceive this winter: Kind IVF’s Streamlined Approach

If you are thinking of starting a family or maybe experiencing problems conceiving, it can be hard to know where to start, and how much time and money this is likely to cost in the short term.

It can also be difficult to know who to talk to about how to assess your situation move towards your dream of parenthood.

Kind IVF has been designed with all these issues in mind and provides an easy entrance into the potential use of IVF via a localised, low cost, streamlined service for those who are likely to need a minimal amount of medical intervention.

To see if you meet the criteria for this innovative service, please visit to access treatment from just £2750 or £3850 for those needing ICSI and donor sperm.

If you don’t meet the criteria, alternative treatment is available through the London Women’s Clinic, which offers a broader spectrum of tailor-made services designed to help you conceive.

Comprehensive Support

Our Teams offer everything you need from initial enquiries to in-treatment support and guidance, and we love celebrating when you become pregnant, and babies are brought into see us!

So let today be the day your baby dreams start to become a reality and take that Spring step towards your future!

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